Natural boating mecca: Mount Wuyi

2016-12-21 09:20:47 seaflooutdoor 9

Summer heat, soft rely on the air conditioning room is not the best choice, Crowding in a swimming pool is definitely not what you want, to the sea blowing wind, leaving a foot of foam star .....

But what if, you encounter such clear water?


Clear enough to see the bottom of the shore lines, paddle a flat boat floating in this, what reason do you have to snail not go out?

If you are tired of paddling, you can find a low bank and get stranded, Seaflo's sit on kayaks is suitable for lying down, helmet to cover your face to prevent tanning, hey! This is a cool way to open your summer vacation!



Green water with red boat, in the shadow of the bridge hole to take a nap, Seaflo's back cabin as a dry food reserve, a hand can be reached, SO, you have seen floating in a surplus of water afternoon tea?



There are many trees on both sides of the bank to block the sun, There are many trees on both sides of the bank that can block the sun. If you are afraid of the sun, you can hide in the shade and row.


A close up, even if you are a boyfriend who can not take pictures, I believe your girlfriend will forgive you, because there is no need to play skills, Its easy to take good-looking photos.


Fear of water people do not worry, wear a life jacket, even if you want to sink can not sink, After the test, the result is like this.

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