SEAFLO brought one hundred thousand RMB worth of floating docks and kayaks to help the first Guanzhai Mountain Open Water Invitational in 2019

2019-12-14 17:14:53 seaflooutdoor 13

The first Guanzhai Mountain Open Water Invitational Tournament in 2019 was grandly opened in Liancheng County, Fujian Province!

On December 8, at the onset of such a cold winter,Held in Shimen Lake Scenic Area, Liancheng County National Scenic Area. Seaflo brought water sports equipment and sponsored this event, providing a floating docks platform for the winter swimming in the waters of Guanzhai Mountain Shimen Lake, as well as boating equipment and kayaking experience for the rescue team. The total value is over one hundred thousand RMB!


The competition was sponsored by Longyan Sports Bureau and Liancheng County People's Government, and hosted by Guanzhai Mountain Scenic Area Management Committee, Liancheng County Cultural, Sports and Tourism Bureau, and the Southeastern Cross-Strait Winter Swimming Federation.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the water temperature on the lake was quite low. The winter swimmers braved the steep cold wind and jumped in o the cold lake water in batches, cutting the waves all the way, swimming in the beautiful Guanzhai Mountain Shimen Lake, which became a beautiful landscape on the water.



Floating docks sponsored by Seaflo, Provides a safe and convenient launching platform for winter swimming athletes, It is not only safe and stable, but also has good weather resistance and impact resistance, SEAFLO also provided logistical support and rescue team vessels, Four boats and eight professional rescue teams, Professional rescue boat to ensure the safety of players.



SEAFLO is committed to promoting water sports, More than 30 kayaks are provided, providing a free experience for winter swimming enthusiasts, Add a beautiful landscape to this event.


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