How can I go to the beach without a surfboard?

2021-08-19 11:04:29 seaflooutdoor 9

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Did you know? SUP was developed from surfboards, but the sisters have a lot of surprises. Editor will give you a brief introduction today, so don't be foolish and confused in the future!

In fact, SUP is also divided in o different types:

The shortest size (6-10 inches): larger than normal surfboards, it can be used for surfing, kneeling and paddling. The disadvantage is that it is relatively unstable in running water.

Moderate size (9-12 inches): Suitable for all kinds of waters, it is the most common SUP.

Special for travel (11-14 inches): Slightly longer than ordinary leisure rowing, with maximum stroke efficiency.

Special for racing (11.6-14 inches): Because the board is the longest, you can get the fastest speed.

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And surfboards can also have many choices according to the different qualities of the surfers

1. According to weight

Weight (kg)

Thickness (mm)

Length (cm)






















Basically, the heavier the weight, the bigger the board, and the big waves on the bottom can push it, and the heavier the weight, the greater the buoyancy.

2. According to the center of gravity

The more the center of gravity is forward, the easier it is to descend the waves, but the less flexible it is relative to the board. The center of gravity of the surfboard is (3:7), (4:6), (5:5), (6:4), (7). : 3) Wait, as for the first time experience, of course it is (4:6) or (5:5).

3. According to surfing environment

The bigger the wave, the smaller the board, if it's the small wave, the larger the board, but it still depends on what board you want to rush. Different boards have different experiences. If you want to pursue a unique experience, of course you can choose by yourself.

4. Length and width

The shorter the board the less buoyancy, the more physical effort, the more difficult to start bearing, the greater the flexibility, convenient to do cool action; the larger the board is the opposite, beginners suitable for long board, the disadvantage is that if the wave is too big, easy to paddle out; short board suitable for technical type. The wider the surfboard, the better the stability, but the relative speed is slower; the narrower the board, the better the steering flexibility.

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Head and tail

Generally, the design of surfboards ranges from pointed to round. The front section of the pointed toe board is lighter and has higher flexibility. The smaller the arc, the faster the run, but the big wave is easy to penetrate the water and overturn, and the technical board usually belongs to this category; If the arc is large, it is not easy to penetrate the water, but the resistance is large, and the running is slow. In addition, the board head is slightly warped, and it is not easy to penetrate the water when the wave is down.

Board tails are roughly divided in o swallow tails (Swallow), square tails (Squash), round tails (Round), and pointed tails (Pin). Their speeds increase in order, and their flexibility decreases in order. The dovetail is suitable for small waves, and the pointed tail is suitable for large waves. It is easy to feel poor buoyancy in small waves. The square tail is basically suitable for various conditions, while the round tail is more commonly used in small waves, which provides better buoyancy for the board tail and is easy to accelerate. Of course, since they are sisters of the same ancestry, surfboards and SUP also have similarities, such as having a tail rudder and a tether.

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Because of the material, the surfboard can be subjected to a lot of artistic processing

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Whether SUP is inflatable or hard plastic, there are more restrictions on the texture, naturally there are not so many tricks.

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